It has
been awhile since I have written in this journal. Just want you all
to know I am alive and well and very busy. I am still plugging away
at living lean. The past few weeks have been interesting at best.
I hurt my shoulder and have not been able to go to the gym. Trust
me that is a killer…no lifting for six weeks per doctor. So at the
end of June I will be able to return to it. It is very strange not
to be going to the gym and it makes me realize how important
exercise is.
Today was
a very special day in my life. I got up this morning, took my
coffee and went to my daughter’s high school. Kara graduated
today…seats for graduation are first come first serve…so although
graduation wasn’t until 2pm I arrived dressed in jeans and a
sweatshirt at 7:30 am to scout out and save 8 seats, my husband Ed
thought I was nuts. One would have thought that I would have been
the first one there. but there were already fifty people claiming
territory! I guess with over 700 kids graduating that they knew as
well as I did that seating would be scarce at best. The graduation
is held outside the main building in the front lawn area, following
the tradition of the last 186 graduating classes of Pinkerton
My son
John and his girlfriend Becky did come to relieve me at 10:30 so I
went home and showered, got dressed and made sure that all was going
well with the graduate to be.
there keeping the seat this morning did allow me sometime to
reflect. Today marks a milestone for not only my daughter, but also
for Ed and me as well. We will soon discover what an empty nest is
really like. Come August we will take Kara to New Orleans and set
her up in a dorm…at Tulane University where she will spend the next
four years preparing to become a chemical engineer. (She was the
recipient of the Tulane Founders Scholarship Award.)
It is hard
to believe that it was over 18 years ago that Kara came to be. It
seems like just yesterday that she was an infant…her first words….da-da…..
(she even knew then how to score points with her dad)… her first
steps… I see her standing on the heat register, looking out the
window…not quite two, watching her brother every morning get on the
school bus and yelling..”Cool bus here…cool bus here”.
Her first
day of school… .her first boyfriend…her first heartbreak….the first
time she drove (in fact that is one of my earlier entries in this
journal)…her first job… her prom….and before I could blink an eye
her senior year.
It has
been a privilege and delight to watch her grow into an incredible
young woman. She graduated with honors…maintained a standard of
excellence in her academics way beyond most. she was awarded
the…………… graduation. This award is given for achieving and
maintaining some incredible accomplishments. She had to be
recommended by teachers, get over 1250 in her SAT’s, maintain an
average of over 90 for her four years of high school and have taken
honors and advanced placement level courses. She was one of five
seniors that did an independent science research course at the
University of New Hampshire this past year.
I sat
there at graduation along with her Dad, Brother, GrandParents and friends in awe
and admiration of her accomplishments. Yes, she is more than ready
to fly from the nest…but the real question is…am I ready for her
too? I am missing her already.
I write
this with tears in my eyes. You are so loved. Be safe… be
happy….and remember the world is yours for the taking.
with Love,