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On The road again |
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Christmas has got to be one of my favorite times of the year. Last evening we had an open house... friends dropped in all evening long. Fifty in fact came to visit during the evening hours...our friends....the kid's friends..the chatter..the laughing ..the feeling of goodwill filled the house.
This morning even though my kids are grown..we were up waiting at the top of the stairs while Ed went down to see if Santa did arrive and then as tradition has it, one by one we walked down the stairs, starting with John, then Kara , then Becky and ending with me. This year we also had houseguests join us for Christmas morning..my best friend Peg (we have been friends for 42 years) and her mom.
One of my presents was a new laptop. Which I am thrilled about because I have been having problems being able to publish my journal here and hopefully with this new computer I will be back online writing once again.
Life has been busy since I last wrote before Thanksgiving.
After the LA shoot I took a hiatus from the weight loss part of this lifestyle. My aim was to maintain my weight...but again I am back to being fifteen pounds over my goal. Sometimes I think I should just stay at this weight and be done with trying to get off this fifteen. I have played with these fifteen pounds for the past year..perhaps this is my way of dealing with maintenance. We are leaving on Monday to drive to North Carolina to ring in the new year with Ed's parents and sister. When we return back home once again I will be going back onto the losing weight part of the six week body makeover.
Merry Christmas all. My wish for you is to be able to spend this day surrounded by those you love!