March 29,2002 | March 28, 2002 | March 27,2002 | March 25,2002 | March 23,2002 | March 21, 2002 | March20,2002 | March 19, 2002 | Saint Patrick's Day | March 14,2002 | March 13, 2002 | March 12, 2002 | March 11,2002 | March 8,2002 | March 7,2002 | March 5,2002 | March 3, 2002 | March 1, 2002 | February28,2002 | February 26, 2002 | February 25,2002 | February 24,2002 | February 22, 2002 | February 21,2002 | February 20, 2002 | February 19, 2002 | February 18, 2002 | February 17,2002 | February 16,2002 | February 15,2002 | Valentines Day | February 13, 2001 | February11,2002 | February 10,2002 | February8,2002 | February 7,2002 | February 6,2002 | February 5,2002 | February 4, 2002 | February3,2002 | February 2,2002 | February 1,2002 | January 31,2002 | January30,2002 | Daily log for January 29,2002 | January28,2002 | Daily Log Page for 1/27/2002 |
March 25,2002 |
"You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are set forth."
Khalil Gibrhan
I am so fortunate for I have a great family. My children, Kara age 16 and John age 21 are the best. How have they reacted to my losing weight?
Well, my son John called home last week(he goes to college 18 hours from here and has not seen me since Christmas). He graduates May 5, 2002, YIPEEE!!!.
He told me that he went to the website and when he saw the pictures he called all his friends into his room so they could see how well I have done. Then he said that what I look like now reminds him of how I looked when he was little. He ended the conversation saying that he was so proud of me and that he loved me.. That call made my day.
My daughter also has been more than kind during this time period. We always refer to her as the princess.. She takes much pride in her name brand clothing( John shops at wallmart...go figure). All her extra money is tied up in her clothes. She is like a size 4, but wears medium tops and sweaters. I had on a shirt that was a little bit big, and when I went up to my room that night, there on my bed were a pile of shirts and sweaters that are a little big on her and she told me that I could borrow them until I had lost the weight I wanted ,so I wouldn't have to continue to buy clothes to wear...
Then there is my hubby.. He too is the best. He just keeps smiling and listens to my obsession regarding my eating program. Easter is coming and we always go to a big Easter Brunch with his brother's family. It is rather pricey and He told me not to worry if I just wanted to eat salad and fruit and some protein, don't feel like you have to eat because it is expensive, that we could afford to waste the money....
I just love them all with my whole heart and soul.... They have always been there for me...
I have upsdated my picture pages...enjoy..
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