Many people ask for help in their quest to lose weight and become healthy,
and that is fine. But many do not realize that the choice to live healthy can only be accomplished by doing
acting upon your desire. There is no doubt in my mind that losing weight is a solitary journey. Many people may support your
efforts but if you choose to eat non healthy foods and live in a non healthy fashion, all the support in the world will not
get you where you desire to be.. We all have choices to make. We take time to listen to what others say, we take time to learn
and read, we take time to investigate what is right for us. We take time to become knowledgeable in areas that pique our
Being armed with knowledge is a grand thing, but one must take that knolwedge
and develop an action plan. One must choose to work the program.
I choose to get support from those I know understand and I choose to act
upon my desires to get back to goal.
Do you choose to join me? |