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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
April 19,2002 |
"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life"
Red Auerbach
"The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it but what he becomes by it."
John Ruskin
Puzzled regarding the selected quotes today?
With those quotes I celebrate my son. I am a very proud mom today. John will graduate from college in two weeks. His accomplishments over the last four years would make any parent want to own and feed him...
He was sorta disengaged (for lack of a better word) during high school. The seas at times were rough, but he managed. Always music was his love, his refuge, his sanity. He took that love of music and decided to go to college and make it his major. His practical dad said fine but you must combine it with business courses.
So in two weeks he will graduate with his degree in Music Administration. Yesterday there was an awards luncheon that we were invited to attend. Both his father and I were unable to attend as he goes to school 14 hours from here and we are flying there in two weeks for his graduation.
Well, my son recieved "Outstanding Musician of the Year" from his college. What a sign of accomplishment, what an achievement.. His comment (said with pride) " They called me a musician...."
Yes, he indeed is a musician, but he is soo much more than that. He is a kind, considerate, loving and caring man. He sets goals and he achieves them. As a son he is wonderful and his sixteen year old sister will tell anyone who will listen that he is the best.(I know that it is unusual but they adore each other).
Most kids, when they are away at college get caught up in thier life, yet in the last four years he has never missed sending any of us a birthday gift, or a mother's day card..(and he still calls home when he is sick for some TLC..)
But he is a man now.... I write this with tears of pride and a bit of sadness, to me graduation is his rite of passage in to true adulthood. He has arrived with flying colors. My wish for him is happiness and success.
I am also proud to say that he is continuing on with his education to obtain a Masters in audio production.
Yes, the highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it but what he becomes..
I love you John...don't forget to finish your milk and say your prayers.