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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
July 9,2002 |

110 pounds shed and a mountain climbed..what a day! |
"Climb every mountain, ford every stream, Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream! "
From the Sound of Music Music by Rodgers & Hammerstein
Today was a great day! It started when I awoke stepped on the scale, the plateau had broken and I have now lost 110 pounds.... Thank You Michael Thurmond.
For those of you who have been reading my journal you will know that one of my mini goals this summer was to climb a mountain.....and climb I did.
My son's friend Dave invited me to go climbing with him this am...little did I know we would travel the expert trail.... sometimes straight up upon large boulders.. I thought I was in great shape because I exercise daily.. but boy oh boy when that altitude gets up there the air gets thin. He was very kind to me and allowed me to rest as needed towards the top that was about every five minutes.. I had brought a large bottle of water and had finished it by the time we got to the top. The view was spectacular it over looked lake Winnapausakie. Dave took this pic right after we made it to the top.
Yes today I was on top of the world.....fourteen pounds left...and I am finding my dreams.....May all of you have your dreams come true.... Happy trails!