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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
September12,2002 |
- As you think so you are - As you Imagine so you become!
48 weeks ago I thought...thought about how heavy, how unhealthy, how unhappy I was. I was 45 years old and in terrible physical shape. I thought that short of having gastric by-pass surgery there was no hope. I had resigned myself to the fact that I would remain heavy for the rest of my life.
That day.... oh not so long ago... there was a flicker of hope that I had discovered. I read all the material on Michael Thurmond's six week body makeover and I imagined. I felt that with the help that this program offered there was a chance that I could lose weight. I imagined that I might even get down to a size 18 and that I would live a longer healthier life.
I made a promise to myself that day, to try the plan for six weeks, and then go from there...I remember wondering how long it would take before I placed this plan in its grave tucked away in a cupboard with all the rest. But I did what was asked of me by the program...I took my before pic and I shaded out what I wanted gone from my body and I tucked the pic away in my book...and continued to imagine what I could become.
Well 117 pounds later, my imagination and the tools that the program provided me took me to a place that I had been afraid to even imagine. In 11 months I have gone from a size 24/26 to a size 6/8.. My physical being has never been healthier in my adult life and my fat brain is learning to think thin.
Dare to imagine yourself thin and healthy ...take that first step to a thinner healthier you.. It can be done...honest!!!