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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
July 22,2002 |
"A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year." ~Paul Sweeney
What a few couple of days I have had. Those of you who read my journal know that my 16 year old daughter was in a car accident on her way to work on Friday morning. She totalled the car and appeared to be fine.. Saturday morning she awoke vomiting and with back pain. I called the doctor and they said to take her to the nearest emergency room. So I threw on some clothes ( a skirt and a tank top that were on my closest floor) and my husband and I drove from our lake house to the emergency room near our year round home about an hour away. Kara vomiting into a pan.
We spent the next five hours in the emergency room while they checked her out. They found some blood in her urine, and felt that and her upset stomach was from the impact.... They gave her some medicine and sent us on our way.
We stopped at the store for popsicles and she kept inisiting she wanted us to take her bowling(which I thought was very strange) but I told her no, and we were going to go back to our house and stay the night just in case she got sicker..
Well we drove into our driveway( it is 500 feet long) to find a slew of cars and people....Admist all that had transpired over the past two days, my husband and I did not know that Kara , John and Becky(John's girlfriend) had planned a huge party in honor of our 25th wedding anniversary! Talk about stress for these guys! We are never early for ANYTHING and here we had crashed our own party about an hour too early.(Thus the reason Kara had wanted to go bowling!)
The house and yard looked great, They had thought of every detail... yellow roses ( what was in my wedding bouquet) scattered in vases all about... candles... balloons... . and they took thier old wooden swingset, removed the swings, covered it with vines and flowers... and informed us that we were going to have the opportunity to renew our vows before our friends and family at 4:30.
I was in awe of my children and all that they have done. The party was incredible..The renewal of our wedding vows was beyond words.. Again they had thought of everything... One of my team members , Mackenzie, learned the song, "Today as the blossoms still cling to the vine"(Our wedding song) and sang it.. When we turned to leave the altar area all of our friends..about a hundred in total were blowing wedding bubbles... Well the tear gates flooded...
There was dancing, and badminton, swimming and I even did Russian splits on the trampoline... They had taken well over a hundred pictures of Ed's and my life and collaged them for all to enjoy...
This is the year of Annie....The celebration shared with those we loved(they travelled from near and far) was just incredible...The party went into the wee hours of the morning....Kara managed to be a wonderful hostess even with what she had been through..and John and Becky made sure everything was perfect.. I felt like a Queen and so many remarked at the new me.....This day as it was could never had been better .. I thank my husband Ed...my children... Kara, John and his Becky... and I thank you Michael Thurmond....for giving me my life as I know it today...
Ed.. I am looking forward to Our fiftieth Anniversary!!!
Below is a link to a few of the pictures taken....enjoy!
Twenty-five years...a celebration |