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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
September 27, 2002 |
It is Friday and I have been back from LA since Tuesday.. Trying to settle back into the routine of things. I did enjoy my time off program, but was really quite happy to be back on track. I gained 5 lbs on my trip..but that is the past and I only have the future ahead of me.
While I was in LA I was able to talk with Michael Thurmond for quite awhile. Now that I am near the end of my weight loss journey He suggested that I tweak my program some. So now I am attempting to slow jog five nights a week for an hour, along with my regular exercise routine. I am actually trying to define my muscles just a tad more, to help with the loose skin that remains. I am also eating beef daily for it helps to build muscles... I was told I may not lose as fast, but at this point it is more about toning and looking good than it is about poundage.
Last night I went to the gym, set the treadmill for one hour. The rate was set for 3.7 and I slow jogged the entire hour without stopping. My heart rate remained stable, I could feel the sweat dripping off me for the first time since I started this program, and I felt really challenged I had to push myself to complete it. I have never jogged for an hour in my whole entire life...so I guess this is another personal success. I am really focused on getting these last few pounds off and toning.
Will keep you posted!!!!
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