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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
September 2, 2002 |
It doesn't matter how slowly you go,
so long as you do not stop.
Can you believe that it is already September 2,2002...Labor day...The summer is over and fall is approaching.. Where has this last year gone? I started this way of life last October, so it is almost a year and I am almost at my goal.. These last ten pounds have been a killer..but I am headed in the right direction, and it doesn't matter how slowly I go as long as I do not stop....
I keep reminding myself this is not a race but a journey to a healthier me.
Putting this aside, my life this past week has been hectic as usual..but for the moment things seemed to be settling down quite nicely. Last week we got John an apartment, and set up in New York so that he could start classes today at McGill University in Montreal, we also bought "crash" another car.. hopefully this one will not end up as the other one did. She starts her junior year in high school today...where does the time go? Even though she is an Honor student, she still is a typical teen, she is taking three college courses as a junior in high school and procrastinated doing her homework which is due today. She finished writing her paper last night... I just smile and take a deep breath.
Work has been keeping me very busy, the beginning of every school year is always a nightmare, this year is no exception, I have been working ten and twelve hour days and always remind myself that having the summer off is worth it(I think).
I love being back at the gym now that I am not living at the lakehouse. It feels so good to be back in a routine. It has only taken me 46 years to realize
'structure" is a good thing for me.
May you all have an in control type if day.
Remember baby steps count towards ones goal!