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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
August 26,2002 |
Today is the fattest day of the rest of my life
I just got home from work, spent the last twelve hours there preparing for the opening of school. I had made up my mind when I returned from Cape Cod and got back to work that I would give this program my all. Well I did that today. I was up at 4 am and to the gym..it felt great... I have been lifting weights and exercising on my own this summer while living at the lakehouse..but boy did I LOVE the workout this am.
I will allow no excuses for myself , I will remain on program and this means eating on time. Today was wildly busy but I took the time to eat when I was supposed to, after all I am more important than my job....
I came home and cooked grilled veggies and chicken breast on my George Foreman grill for supper... it was delicious. I just bought it the other day, I don't know why I hadn't bought it sooner..food tastes great cooked on it, and no oil or fat is used in the cooking.
I am sorry but this is gonna be a short entry tonight because I am tired to the bone. I felt I needed to journal tonight because it is an important part of keeping me on program....Reflecting is a good thing..
Yes ....this is the fattest day of the rest of my life..and now I am gonna take my smile and go to bed...
Pleasant dreams all!