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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
July 3, 2002 |
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. -- George Bernard Shaw
Where does one begin to create themself, when they have put themself on hold for oh so many years? If you're anything like me, many things that I wanted to do I put off until I lost weight. Some of these things I just couldn't physically do so they got put on the back burner. But the time has come to create me the way I have envisioned myself to be.
I want to be a healthy, thin, happy go lucky type of person and I never again want to put something on hold because of my weight. I am not at goal yet, but it doesn't matter, it is time to move forward...
Over the weekend, I did something I have not done in years... I water skied.. 46 years old, it took me two times to get up as it has been so long since I have... and because of my regular exercise routine, I was not only able to get up but I skied the lake... and I am proud... my husband said I was showing off, but who cares... I had fun.. I could do it... and now it is again an activity that will be mine.
Speaking of exercise, I was unable to find a gym in the area, so I went and bought a book and I am doing free weights every day... One day I do upper body and the next day I do lower body. The work out is different and a bit tougher than what I was doing in the gym, but I think a change of pace is a good thing. I also walk every morning at 6 am. One day I do the easy 3 mile walk, and the other day I walk up a mountain road, then run down it... usually collapsing upon my return.
My weight loss has really slowed down...I knew this would happen, I am not complaining, but it is more difficult seeing a one or two pound weight loss rather than a three or four pound... but such is life.. I feel great and that is what really matters...
Have a great one all...going out for a swim...