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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
Sept 10, 2002 |
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Success is:
Knowing what you are doing,
loving what you are doing, and
believing in what you are doing.
Napoleon Hill

It is early Tuesday morning, the weekend is over. The cookout was wonderful. I stayed focused and enjoyed the weather and the people. Temptation was all around me, but I did know what I wanted. I knew what I was doing and I stayed focused.
I did stay in control of my food, and I did enjoy thecompany. I also showed off a bit by waterskiing the lake, I am not sure if my weight loss or my waterskiing was more amazing to those who were there. ( So, ok I am not perfect) but it was great fun seeing not only the adults faces but the teenagers faces as I skiied in and out of the wake...and I was called a show off..I just winked.
I do know what I am doing...I am getting thinner and healthier
I do love what I am doing...I am happier and through this program have become free to be who and what I want to be.
With all my heart and soul I believe in what I am doing. This way of life has taken me on an unforgettable journey, one filled with hope and realization that I have found the key to becoming all that I was meant to be. I thank God every day for having found the tool to help me be successful.