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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
June 29,2002 |
"Choose the behavior accept the consequences"
It certainly says it all. We all have chosen this to be the time to change our behavior so that we can become thinner and healthier. We have searched and found the tools to help us do this. The tool for me was/is the Michael Thurmond Six Week Body Makeover.
But what we must do is to choose the action that will allow us to have positive consequences.
The reason I have not written in the journal is that I have been away and did not have access to a computer. While I was away I chose to live the lifestyle I have come to love. It wasn't easy, one night I fought with a container of cookies. One would think after being on the program for as long as I have been, with the great success that I have had, that I would no longer have to really fight temptations. Most of the time I can just say to myself naaaah it is not worth it and walk away. The other day at the beach the container was calling me..I even put my hand into the jar. I had rationalized that I had taken a six mile walk, I had been swimming, two cookies would not hurt. I was struggling from within. I stopped took a deep breath and repeated, "Nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels".. I wanted the cookies, the pleasure for the moment, but I needed to look ahead..I had to remind myself I am almost at goal and in truth I want to get to goal more than I wanted the thirty second taste of two cookies.. I walked away..not happy but I did...
and the next morning I had dropped another pound....which tastes much better than any cookie in the world. I had won the cookie battle.. I am still surprised at how difficult it can be at times.... I chose the behavior and I accepted the wonderful consequences.....
Remember we are in control..we must be honest and we must fight the battle from within to get where we want to go..
May you all have an in control kind of weekend..